Brian Geer ready to perform the bill in chips with CEO of Paychex and Nick
Price (Famous Senior PGA golfer) |

Geer performing for the head pro at Oakmont Country Club (top 10 golf
courses in the world, out of Pa) |

Brian Geer is burning up Jay Haas' credit card |
Jay Haas is
happy to see his credit card restored

Jay Haas is blown amazed

Brian Geer has surprised Jay Haas with the production of his American
Express card (He'll probably never ever again, "leave home without it") |

Jeff Sluman on the left is amazed and just asked his twin brother Brad, "how
the hell did he do that?" |

Nick Price with Brian Geer |

Jeff Sluman and his twin brother Brad are now Brian Geer's posse
"This a performance at Craig Harmon's (Famous head pro at Oak Hill Country
Club) house for the Senior PGA open held at Oak Hill Country Club 2008: this
is the Wednesday night before competition of which Jay Haas was the winner
and the new Senior PGA champion." |

Jim Clapper
Lt. General (Ret.),
formally DIA & Ntl. Geo. SpatialAgency

Major General John Marks
Retirement Party

Mohammed Ali and Joe Frazier

Bill Marriot |